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The Anointed Experience Channel

Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. 9 This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord, your God is with you wherever you go.” 

-- Joshua 1:8-9 (NLT)


Podcast 64:  Mental Health - What Is Depression & Should Christians Suffer From Depression?
Podcast 63: Why The Biggest Dream Killer Is An Undeveloped Character A True Fact!
The Anointed Experience. Faith, Fitness, & Food!

Podcast 63: Why The Biggest Dream Killer Is An Undeveloped Character A True Fact!

Think about the men in the Bible, great men who had a major character failure, and it destroyed what they could have been and could have done, so the number one dream killer I want to pick up today is an undeveloped character. Most people don't realize that your character is incredibly important. Notice that verse in Ephesians 2:10. We looked at the last part of it, you know, you were His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before, you would walk in them. In other words we're focused on doing something or fulfilling a purpose in God, but look at the first part. It says you're His workmanship. In other words God is wanting to build your life. God is wanting to develop you. God needs to build you, so you can be big enough to do the big thing He wants to do. ( You gift may be louder than your character. Your gift will open doors for you, but only your character will keep you there, and so you can have great gifting's and talents does not equal always to success. We look at talent, we look at gifting, it's impressive. It dazzles. You think wow, we need that person! They've got such a gift on their life - but listen, what is their character? Because only the character can keep the person in the place and produce the fruit God intended, so if we're not committed to develop our character and understand God's process of developing character, no matter what your gift and dream is, at some point you'll derail because your character disqualified you from the dream, the thing you were trying to pursue. ( Links IG: FB: Free FB community: Podcast: IG: FB:
Podcast 61: Should Christians celebrate Halloween? Part 2
The Anointed Experience. Faith, Fitness, & Food!

Podcast 61: Should Christians celebrate Halloween? Part 2

Should Christians celebrate Halloween? We talk and discuss how Christians respond. 1. Some reject it. There are many Christians today that look at Halloween as a pagan holiday during which the devil is worshipped and evil is glorified. They want nothing to do with the evil out there and will do everything in their power to shield themselves and their children from this devilish holiday. Many churches have replaced Halloween with Fall Festivals that are more family-friendly and allow a more safe environment and a fun alternative to trick-or-treating. 2. Some accept it. Halloween, they say, is a fun, harmless opportunity for kids to dress up, get lots of candy and have a good time. It’s a time for cute decorations, parties, pumpkin carvings, lots of laughter, and enjoying going trick-or-treating with their neighbors. Halloween is, for many, a non-religious festival altogether so some Christians don’t mind assimilating and being no different. 3. Some redeem it. If we as Christians believe that Jesus came to redeem all things; to make all things new, we must answer with a resounding YES! Jesus says in Revelation 21:5, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’ Certainly, all things include Halloween. But how? We are sometimes quick to pass judgment or skip over the topic instead of pausing to investigate and have conversations about it. Below are the videos of 2 different views that we used for our conversation for this topic. Please feel free to look at so you can get an understanding of the discussion in it's entirely. Links IG: FB: Free FB community: Podcast: IG: FB:
Podcast 60: Learn 5 Ways To Know Your God Given Purpose!
The Anointed Experience. Faith, Fitness, & Food!

Podcast 60: Learn 5 Ways To Know Your God Given Purpose!

A sense of purpose is central to a productive, joy-filled life. Research even shows people with a stronger sense of purpose live longer than those who feel aimless. So, what if you're feeling lost and unsure of what you're meant to do with your life? In this podcase, we'll discuss 5 practical ways you can discover your God-given purpose and start living in that. Those 5 ways are: 1. Passion 2. Possibilities 3. Provisions 4. Partnerships/relationships 5. Playa Haters (Old school lol!) ***Bonus: We all experience discouragement and self-doubt from time to time. Having low spirits occasionally doesn't necessarily mean you aren't living in God's purpose. It's more helpful to think about the overall patterns that characterize your life and your mindset. Some signs you aren't fulfilling your God-given purpose are: 1. You don't have hope for the future 2. You are complacent in sin 3. You feel unfocused or goalless 4. You dread the days ahead When you immerse yourself in the Word, you'll see your priorities aligning with God's priorities and gain the sense of purpose you've been missing. You may also discover some changes you need to make in your life to live more fully in God's will. Read God's Word and ask yourself, "What is your purpose in life as humans?" Then, make it more personal by asking, "What does the Bible say about my purpose in life?" We know from Scripture that we can trust God to make good on His promises and fulfill His purpose in our lives. We only need to trust Him and live our lives according to His will. As you read the Bible to learn more about God's will for your life, ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes and ears to understand what you're reading. We are going to discuss 5 ways to do that! Links IG: FB: Free FB community: Podcast: IG: FB:


Podcast 37:  How To Be Fit and Exercise Your Stewardship With 4 Principles
The Anointed Experience. Faith, Fitness, & Food!

Podcast 37: How To Be Fit and Exercise Your Stewardship With 4 Principles

How we use and operate anything muse be grounded in the word. In other words STEWARSHIP means all our resources including our bodies our loaned to us. Everything belongs to God. How does this relate to fitness? Many Christians get their understanding from the world rather than the bible when it comes to health, fitness, and beauty. That is not to say learning to do what to do in the gym, trying to learn how to get fit, trying to change your body etc. is a bad thing. It is a good thing. It only becomes bad when Christ is not at the center of your WHY!! You become aligned with the culture and the world thought process. How should you look, being big, body shaming, obsessives social media concerning your posts and likes with fitness, etc. The Goal of fitness should not just to look good in the mirror or on IG. True fitness means using our bodily ability that allows us to serve God and others. Don't become so obsessed with the physical that you begin to idolize it. The 4 principles we are going to discuss concerning stewardship and fitness are: 1. Ownership 2. Responsibility 3. Accountability 4. Reward Links IG: IG Christian apparel: FB: Free FB community: Podcast: Free Recipe Book:


Podcast 22: Benefits Of A Balanced Diet Physically & Spiritually!
The Anointed Experience. Faith, Fitness, & Food!

Podcast 22: Benefits Of A Balanced Diet Physically & Spiritually!

A well-balanced diet provides important vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to keep the body and mind strong and healthy. A well balanced diet spiritually is just as if not more important. Eating the word daily gives our bodies must have energy to keep going, our souls must have hope to keep going. When our body needs energy, we eat food. But when our soul needs hope, cleansing, etc. what do we feed it? Promises and truths! We will discuss 5 benefits of having a well-balanced diet. Those benefits are: Helps with weight control Keeps you energized Supports heart health Provides all the important nutrients Boost immune system Prevents Illnesses Check it out and listen to it at See it live and check out our YouTube channel. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to our channel. Help us to continue to grow our podcast. Visiting the site and downloading the audio, will help push the podcast to the upper percentage of being listened to. Links IG IG Christian apparel: FB: Free Women FB community: Free Men FB community: Podcast: Free Recipe Book: Website:

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