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Anointed Meal Prep/Catering is now live

Anointed Meal Prep/Catering is now live

Anointed Meal Prep/Catering is now live

Welcome to

Anointed Touch
Health, Fitness, & Beauty

“You have an anointing from the Holy One.”
— 1 John 2: 20

​Anointed Meals - Meal Prep & Catering!!

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*Have fitness goals but are too busy to cook?
*Need help with nutrition and portion size?
*Need something to help simplify your decision on what to eat?



1 Timothy 4:8 "Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.” (NLT)

Anointed Touch Health, Fitness, & Beauty was created by Leo Walker, a certified Personal Trainer, Life Coach, and Nutrition Coach. Using a holistic approach to mindset, body, and meeting people where they are, Leo seeks to help men and women achieve their health and fitness goals. Find Leo’s Story here. 

What we 

"When God's people are in need, Be ready to help them.

Always be eager to practice hospitality."
- Romans 12:13 (NLT)


Physical and Mental Growth

Health and fitness are just not about what your body looks like on the outside. Many people look good on the outer but are not right on the inside. Our goal is to help grow you not just on your physical journey, but a journey that will build your confidence and purpose on the inside. Doing that will make your external look to glow even more.


Training and Nutrition

We want you to give your workouts and nutrition a purpose. Adopting this perspective can bring an incredible lightness to your nutrition and workouts. Setting and having goals are important. On the other hand, we do not want you feeling like you are a failure or unnecessary pressure of the goals you may have set for yourself. Instead, we want your energy focused on what your purpose creates. In other words, having the necessary resources God provides, good health, and well-being is a key ingredient in your ability to fulfill your purpose.

Free Transformation

Schedule your FREE Transformation Session Now!  This transformation session consists of a physical questionnaire, food assessment, a more in-depth discussion about your goals, 15-20 min workout, and discuss what packages and prices will work for you. Does that sound fair? If so, click the button below and get started with your Transformation session!


Free Transformation

Schedule your transformation session with us! We will use this session to figure out your training needs and goals. The final part of the session consists of a physical fitness evaluation so come prepared to work out!


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Together we are

 "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.."

-Proverbs 27: 17

We all have different Goals & Motivation

but we are all made in His Glory 

and we are Stronger Together


Our trainers through  God's Guidance

try to create the best exercises, plans, and programs for you

We can make our plans,
    but the Lord determines our steps.
— Proverbs 16:9 


Owner/Personal Trainer


Fitness Group Instructor

HERE First

Hear what our clients have to say about their workouts and their experiences


"Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness.

- Chronicles 16:8 

Anointed helped me in so many ways. I was a former athlete. As my playing days have come to an end and I have gotten older, I just become inactive. I also was dealing with physical elements and issues.  I lost a total of 20 pounds. I feel great and very blessed to be a part of the AT community. Adding God to my journey has really shown me it is a true Faith and Fitness journey. 

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My experience with Anointed Touch, WHERE do I begin???  I went from 198 bs to 163 lbs. It’s not only about the workouts, but your overall well being and nutrition as well. I have learned more from Anointed Touch that will last me a lifetime. It's more than I could’ve  learned on my own. Most importantly,  the way God is involved along with this journey is amazing, to not only my body, but to my spirit and soul as a woman.

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When I decided to make a change is when I was looking at pictures of me and my family one day. I said how did I let myself get like this.  It's very humbling and a blessing from God that he allowed me to be apart of this change and continued change.  Having Anointed Touch to assist me was a part of that blessing. Through help with AT and faith I have Lost a total of 42lbs.  I also went from a 44 waist to a 38 waist.  Through faith and hard work, I am excited to walk in the new me. 




FEELING Motivated?

“Be strong. Be Brave. Be fearless. You are never alone.”
— Joshua 1: 9


Phone: (301) 857-5661


©2020 by Anointed Touch Health, Beauty, and Fitness. Proudly created with

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